SIRAHA : The Basbitta settlement adjacent to the market at the headquarters of Siraha has also been inundated in a little rain. About 500 households in the township are facing the problem of waterlogging due to lack of drainage.

Ram Vilas Yadav, a local victim, said that the flood-affected area had become worse with the construction of a concrete road on the east side of the settlement last year. A paved road was built from the east side of the settlement without building a drain. “Then this year, the entire village was submerged in normal rain,” “he said,” “It will not remain submerged for many months.”  No one is looking for a long-term solution to the problem.

Another local, Rajkumar Yadav, said that the embankment on the Kamala river near the western side of the settlement has caused problems in draining the water. “On the one hand, a concrete road has been constructed to touch the embankment of the Kamala River, on the other hand, it is higher than the settlement.” And where does the water come from?”He said,” “There is no way to get out of the house during heavy rain.” Children and the elderly are at increased risk. ”

He said that due to the lack of proper drainage, the settlement had to be displaced. Indrajit Yadav, the mayor of Sirha Municipality-6, said that the problem of waterlogging is mainly in Pasman village, Maharaja Tol, Kajkalwa, Yadav Basti and other areas.

He says it will be difficult to solve the problem until the Kamala embankment is in order. Chairman Yadav said that the flood in the Kamala River in the rain from the culverts (causeways) placed at places in the Kamala embankment area was flowing towards the opposite settlement.

“If the causeway of the Kamala embankment is not in order, this problem is increasing, then the other is to build the road to Binanala without paying attention to the drainage. “Since the beginning of the rain, there is also a problem of going from one house to another by filling water throughout the settlement,” “Chairman Yadav said,” “No road should be approved without water.”

He alleged that Kamala Irrigation, Roads Division and Municipality were the main responsible for the flooding in the Basabitta area. On the other hand, Chairman Yadav says that with the increase in the number of businessmen doing business in the market area, the market has started to be inundated due to the drainage area during the construction of new houses.

He said that due to this, most of the shops and roads in the market area near the headquarters were flooded and the local residents, commuters, shopkeepers and the general public had to suffer. He said that there would be no ordinary ‘hume pipe’ for the drainage of water and said that the source and means of the well would not be considered.

Dr. Naveen Kumar Yadav, the Municipal Chief of Sirha Municipality, said that work is being done in coordination with the concerned bodies for the drainage of the Basbitta area.  “For the time being, we dig a drain in the south-east area to drain the water accumulated in the residential areas including the market.” “We are planning to build a sewage system by arranging a budget for sustainable water management,” “he said.”

Experts say that in most places in the Terai Madhes, the problem of Berseni submergence is caused by development construction work without assessing the long-term impact and impact. Due to the development of infrastructure without the provision of drainage and sewerage during the construction of the main road, there has been a problem of flooding on the postal road and Mahendra Highway.

Berseni is inundated in various places including the headquarters Siraha, Sukhipur Municipality, Golbazar Municipality, Dhangadhamai Municipality. Many schools, hospitals, and government buildings have been destroyed.


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